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With any questions regarding our events or community involvement, please call our office at (940) 382-2224.
Volunteer Training
All volunteers who interact directly with clients must be trained prior to serving. We conduct new volunteer training & orientation sessions in our Denton office on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Sessions begin at 10:00 am and last for about one hour. There are no trainings on holidays.
Space is limited! Call (940) 382-2224 in advance to reserve your training spot or to inquire about alternative training arrangements or holiday closures.
Click here to learn more about volunteer opportunities and to apply to become a volunteer.
Board Meetings
Span’s Board of Directors generally meets the last Wednesday of each month at 11:30 am at Serve Denton (306 N Loop 288, Suite 100, Denton, TX 76209). We take time out for a retreat in September and allow certain months off for summer break and for holidays.
Scheduled Meetings: 2024 – January 31, February 28, March 27, April 24, May 29, June 26, August 28, September 28 (Tentative Retreat), October 30, and November 20.
Schedule and meeting location are subject to change.
(Per the Texas Open Meetings Act, our board meetings are open for public observation, but the Act does not require that the public be allowed to participate.)
Board members are required to go through an application and screening process. If you are interested in becoming a member of our board, please contact our office at (940) 382-2224.
Previous Board Meeting Minutes: